Exhibtion | 06.03.2025 – 05.04.2025 - Annie Kadji Art Gallery, Douala Abafa(ba)zi

The Goethe-Institut Kamerun invites you to the opening of the exhibition Abafa(ba)zi as part of the House of African Feminisms project on 06.03.2025 at 6.30pm at Annie Kadji Art Gallery, Bonapriso-Douala. The exhibition will be open from 07.03.2025 to 05.04.2025.

abazi1600 ©Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Learn German

Experienced Teaching ensures your success

Sitzende Menschengruppe mit mobilen Endgeräten Foto: Getty Images

Learn German from the market leader. We offer German language courses and exams in over 90 countries.

  • Highly qualified German teachers and first-class learning materials
  • German courses for all levels
  • Internationally recognised language certificates


Hear the latest news about cultural events, language courses or events for teachers and subscribe to our newsletters.


Think professional!

The "think professional !" project gives students in the "Seconde", "Première" and "Terminale" a first realistic and authentic insight into work life through a four-week internship.

10 jours pour un film

Developed within the framework of the Ecrans Noirs film festival, the "10 days for 1 film" platform was created in 2016 and aims to promote Cameroonian cinema through the detection of young talent, training and the production of short films.


Initiated by the Goethe-Institut The ‚"Découverte" platform  is designed to provide young, talented Cameroonian artists  with an opportunity of presenting their artistic talents and meeting with eachother.

logogdact © Goethe Institut Kamerun

Teaching German

The Goethe-Institut is the world's leading provider of professional development for German teachers – in Cameroon, in Germany or via distance learning. We provide you with up-to-date material and interactive services. Find out about events held by the Goethe-Institut for teachers.


Restricted access to the library

Dear library users*,
Due to renovation work the library of the Goethe-Institut Kamerun reopens to you in a different location from 29th July 2024 for use restricted to loans (to be pre-registered online). You can now find us on the second floor of the SIKABAT building, opposite the Ecole Publique Bastos, with new opening hours (Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm)

You can:
- pre-register a book loan online and collect the document within 2 days.
- or place a hold on a borrowed document, which will be made available to you as soon as it is returned.

- or take out a subscription by visiting us during opening hours.

The information service is available again.

If you have any questions about the library, please contact us at Bibliothek-Yaounde@goethe.de  or by WhatsApp on 681 55 31 79 (no calls please).

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 10:00 am - 4:00pm

About us

Cultural Collaboration

We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. 

Visit us Goethe-Institut Kamerun


Rue Joseph Mballa Eloumden (Rue 1.077)
P.O. Box 1067 Yaounde

Opening Hours

Mon–Fri: 8am – 5pm

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