Photo by Karen Zhao on Unsplash

South Africa

7th Edition
The Science Film Festival in South Africa, in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut South Africa, Play Africa, VIAD at the University of Johannesburg, Iziko National Museum of Natural Science in Cape Town, and AFDA film school in Johannesburg, hosted a series of events from October to December 2023. These partnerships facilitated various activities, including film screenings and hands-on activities, aimed at diverse age groups:

Play Africa Collaboration: Highlighted by the SFF Family Day on 28 October with 80 visitors, offering a children’s program of films, scientific experiments, and activities. It also included 18 sessions for 541 children across 9 partner schools/organizations, managed by 62 adults/educators.

Iziko Museum Collaboration: Organized three film screenings tied to Geodiversity Day, World Jellyfish Day, and World Soil Day within the museum’s facilities, with attendance numbers pending confirmation.

AFDA (School for the Creative Economy) Collaboration: Hosted two film screenings at AFDA Johannesburg, which saw limited participation due to coinciding final exams and project deadlines for students, reaching only 10 individuals. This suggests a need for reevaluation of the collaboration or timing.

VIAD (Visual Identities in Art and Design Research Centre of the University of Johannesburg) Collaboration: Featured the event “Intra-actions #4: the Poetry and Politics of Rot” on 29 November, combining an artistic film and a science film to foster dialogue between arts and science, attracting 35 guests.

The festival’s diverse program engaged participants in scientific exploration through film and activities, though some collaborations faced challenges in timing and audience engagement. In total, the Science Film Festival in South Africa reached 586 viewers in 2023.

Film Selection 2023

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Show all Pre-Jury Members of Mozambique

Over 30 pre-jury members with expertise in science education and science communication in the participating countries and in-depth knowledge of the local target audience are closely involved in the selection process. All films are translated and synchronized or subtitled into local languages where necessary to offer access without language barriers.


Dr. Nadine Siegert

Head of Culture & Development

Julia Scheller

Project coordination Culture & Development / Creative Industries

 Science Film Festival - South Africa Contact  - Julia Scheller

Our Partners and Sponsors in South Africa

Partners and sponsors

iziko museums of South Africa