
The 87 libraries of the Goethe-Institut are public places. They offer an inspiring atmosphere for exchange and encounter. Around 800,000 analogue and digital media convey an up-to-date image of Germany and promote active engagement with language, culture and society.

Goethe-Institut Belgrad - Library Photo: Danilo Andjus

Voices about our libraries worldwide

Our libraries are places of encounter, exchange and learning. Here, users tell us what the libraries of the Goethe-Institut mean to them.

Student from the PASCH School Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam: 

"I had a lot of fun with the library rally and I have the feeling that I know my way around the library much better now..."

Razzaqui, German learners Goethe Institute Jakarta: 

"I like the Goethe-Institut Jakarta Library because it's quiet, cool, and keeps me away from normal entertainment, like social media and other diversions on my phone. It's just me, books, and my own thoughts. Come visit the library, you might like it!"

Jorge Villanueva Bustíos, Professor of the Academic Department of Performing Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: 

"Since I was a student in the 90s, I have had the opportunity to visit the Goethe-Institut library. My points of reference were always the German theatre authors, such as Büchner or Brecht. In the library I now had access to them and discovered many other authors that I hadn't known before. Since then, I have felt strongly drawn to the library. I always felt it was an oasis where I could retreat to discover new books and new authors, a place of freedom and tranquillity. The atmosphere of the place made me return there again and again.
Without a doubt, I was not only able to find important contributions to my narrower field of specialisation in the Goethe-Institut library, but also discover many other topics and subject areas. In 2018, I completed a master's degree in interdisciplinary cultural studies: once again, I was able to find important materials for this degree programme at the intersection of social sciences, social sciences and arts at the Goethe-Institut: in my beloved library, which has since been transformed for me into a space for further and never-ending education.
Thank you for everything!"


Sahil, student: 

"I frequent the library three or four times a week. I appreciate the self-service book checkout system the most. The library environment helps me focus better compared to home. During exams, the video and audio resources in the library have been extremely beneficial. One memorable experience was participating in an event called Spielzeit, where I enjoyed playing games with friends."


Aurora Mínguez, journalist and former foreign correspondent :

"There are libraries that are gloomy and hostile. Others are bright, spacious and inviting. The library in Madrid is not only beautiful, but also bright and has a balcony. It is a place for encounters and dialogue. In addition to an extensive selection of books, DVDs, newspapers and magazines, it also offers space for ideas, exchange and friendship. All of this is very necessary in these turbulent times."

Insights into the Library Work


We have compiled a fantastic selection of German films and series for you to enjoy that are currently available in the media libraries of the public broadcasters and on various streaming services in Germany. And best of all, they can be streamed worldwide for free without registration.

Streamingtipps Seite © Goethe-Institut / Tobias Schrank

Digital library

The Onleihe is Goethe-Institut’s digital library (eLibrary). About 20,000 German language eBooks, audio books, movies, materials for German language learners, magazines and newspapers are available for downloading from the Onleihe.

A woman listens to digital media from the Onleihe service and runs past people waiting at the bus stop in the rain. Illustration: Maria Tran Larsen © Goethe-Institut

About our work

In many different projects, we work together with partners from civil society, especially from the library, media and information sector. The topics range from artificial intelligence to reading promotion, from environmental protection to cultural heritage.

The libraries are also open spaces for experimentation. They connect Germany and the world through inspiration and innovation.

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