Student Teacher Placement in Schools Abroad

SCHULWÄRTS! arranges and provides funding for the placement of student teachers at Goethe-Institut partner schools abroad. Student and (prospective) teachers of any school type and subject combination are eligible for placement. Student teachers receive individualized support before, during and after their placement.

The SCHULWÄRTS! programme


If you’d like to apply for a SCHULWÄRTS! placement, you’ll find complete information about the required application documents and access to our application portal here.

During their placement, student teachers get an inside look at school systems abroad. Find out more about their experiences in their blog posts. (in German)

If you still have any unanswered questions about the SCHULWÄRTS! programme (application, credits/certification, preparation for placement and what placement involves), you’re bound to find answers here.

Research and evaluation

Research and evaluation

SCHULWÄRTS! also engages in research into the benefits of efforts to internationalize teacher training. Our SCHULWÄRTS! Research Hub is a collaborative nationwide project in Germany that seeks to make an empirically based contribution to research on teacher training. (In German)

A 2017/18 report on the SCHULWÄRTS! programme was the first study to evaluate its effectiveness and importance for student teachers, universities and schools in Germany and abroad. You can start the page flow here and click through our findings. (In German)


Follow us at #schulwaerts on Instagram and find out about the experiences of our student teachers and alumni.

Are you already a graduate of the SCHULWÄRTS! programme? Then visit the SWAP! alumni portal here!


Participating institutions

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