Saalvermietung Buchungsformular Please complete this form two week prior to the event otherwise your booking is cancelled. Name/Organisation Address Contact Person Mobile Number Email Event Date of Hire Event Times Number of Visitors expected Bump In Staff/Organiser Bump Out Staff/Organiser Food & Drinks It is your responsibility to provide any food and/or drinks required for the event. If alcohol will be served a liquor license is required. YES, please provide name of the license holder and liquor license number Required Set Up Table and chair set-up (please explain or do a little drawing) Required Set Up Hinweis: Die insgesamte Größe aller hochgeladenen Dateien darf nicht 20 MB überschreiten. Upload your drawing here, if you have one. Equipment Microphones Smartboard Beamer/projector Screen Piano (if tuning is required please organise the tuner to come in during regular business hours) Kitchen (to warm up food only) Bin and bin liners Hot water urn Extra tables Extra chairs Glasses Any other information you would like to give us Terms and Conditions Your obligations as Hirer: You must: inform us within a reasonable timeframe prior to the event about any items you may need, such as microphone, screen, lectern etc. not use the Hired Area for any purpose except the Function specified not cause any nuisance or damage to the Hired Area, or any fixtures, fittings or equipment located in it pay to us on demand any expense we incur if you or any other person or organisation whom you have engaged leave the Hired Area, or any fixture, fittings or equipment in it, in a damaged condition not smoke in the Hired Area, or on our terrace/balcony not bring onto, or store in or around, the Hired Area any toxic or flammable substances including candles ensure, and take reasonable steps to ensure, that the invitees observe these obligations and that children are under supervision at all times not remove chairs and tables sort empty bottles into separate boxes or containers, flatten cardboard boxes separately and put all other garbage in the garbage bins provided. Public Liability The Hirer must effect and maintain a liability insurance policy with a reputable insurer in the Hirer's name covering the use of the premises and matters referred to above in respect of death or injury for any single event. The Hirer must forward a copy of the public liability confirmation of cover to us prior to the Hire Period (this clause does not apply if the Hirer is insured under Government's Treasury Managed Fund scheme). Indemnity You indemnify us against any claim, expense, loss or damage we suffer if you or any invitee of yours, directly or indirectly, and wilfully or negligently: damages or destroys any property of ours, or of another person located within the Hired Area, or any of our buildings at any time you have access to the Hired Area for the purposes of this Agreement injures, or causes the death of, any person within the Hired Area or any of our buildings or grounds at any time you have access to the Hired Area for the purposes of this Agreement This indemnity is a continuing and independent obligation, survives termination or expiry of this Agreement, and includes any expense we incur on a full indemnity basis. Agree to Terms and Conditions Yes * Pflichtfeld Wenn Sie die im Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten durch Klick auf den nachfolgenden Button übersenden, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Ihre Angaben für die Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage bzw. Kontaktaufnahme verwenden. Sie können Ihre erteilte Einwilligung durch Zusendung einer E-Mail an widerrufen. Im Falle des Widerrufs werden Ihre Daten umgehend gelöscht. Ihre Daten werden ansonsten gelöscht, wenn wir Ihre Anfrage bearbeitet haben oder der Zweck der Speicherung entfallen ist. Datenschutzerklärung AbbrechenAbsenden