Fast Fashion

Recycling of Clothes
Recycling of Clothes | Tim Mitchell

An exhibition about the dark sides of fashion

RMIT Gallery, Melbourne

All over the world, people are attracted by fashion. Celebrities, bloggers, buyers, journalists – you can find them all in one of the numerous fashion weeks that are held in different cities throughout the world. Every year, a new fashion magazine celebrates their first edition and countless new fashion trends are presented every month.

However, this glamourous business has its dark sides. How is it possible, that fashionable clothing items are so cheap? Who are the people producing the items and under what circumstances are they working? What impact do the fast changing fashion trends have on the environment? The exhibition Fast Fashion. The dark side of fashion deals with these questions and wants to make aware that however glamourous this business might appeal, there is a side about everyday clothing as well as high fashion that is hidden.

As part of the textile project IKATeCUT, the exhibition deals with mass consumption, economic effects and ecological issues, caused by the fashion industry. It showcases digital installation and interactive displays that offer information on the industry's effects on the environment, the fast-paced consumerism and the working conditions in clothing factories.

The exhibition doesn’t only deal with the drawbacks, there is also a special area called the “Slow Fashion Lab”, where local designers show alternative approaches to the fashion dilemma.
The workshop program will soon be published.

An exhibition of the Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg, curated by Dr. Claudia Banz.

Made possible by: Karin Stilke Stiftung and DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.

Event series: Fast Fashion | Slow Fashion



RMIT Gallery, Melbourne

344 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Price: Free Entry