Live Art
Truth or Dare?

Northcote Townhall

Impossible questions and ridiculous tasks can only mean one thing - a good ol' fashioned game of “Truth or Dare”. But we're taking it out of the playground and into the streets, handing the reins over to kids and asking them to find out everything there is to know about the adult world - or else.

Based on the children’s game “Truth or Dare”, the team around Sibylle Peters created an interactive performance for kids and adults in public spaces.

This interactive performance piece crowd-sources questions from young people. Afterwards, the adults will work with the children to compile a selection of the collected questions, covering a variety of topics, from peculiar adult behaviour to fundamental curiosities about life.

From this process, the next step is to design a game that anyone can play. With screens depicting questions and tasks, teams of children and adults face the challenge of “Truth or Dare?”. The children will ask questions that are answered by adults until they no longer can or want to answer them. At this point it will be switched to the “Dare” part. Using various props, the children and adults perform their “Dare” task together in public space.

“Truth or Dare” provides space for public discussion and encourages transgenerational exchange in a playful way. Intergenerational exchange is at the heart of this joyous new work from leading Live Art practitioner Sibylle Peters. As artist-in-residence for Melbourne Fringe, she’ll be working with local artists, children and adults in creating this daring new game of artistic exchange, exploring the idea of performing citizenship.

Event series: Fundus Theater featuring Sibylle Peters


Northcote Townhall

189 High Street
Northcote 3070

Language: English
Price: free - no tickets required

Part of series Fundus Theater featuring Sibylle Peters