Online catalogue
Registration for the online catalogue of the library
In the online catalogue (OPAC) of our library you can browse media and get an overview of the books, CDs, DVDs, magazines and electronic resources available in our stock 24/7.
If you have a library membership, you can also log in to the online catalogue with your account. The personalized use of the OPAC offers the following advantages:
- Displaying the media you have borrowed, including the due date
- Extend the loan period of your media
- View current and paid fines
- Send acquisition proposals for the media library stock
- Make comments on media
- Overview of the media borrowed by you in the past
What are the requirements to register for the online catalogue?
To be able to use the personalized functions of our online catalogue, you need a library membership as well as a free registration on Mein will show you how to unlock the catalogue in three easy steps for your personalized use.
Questions or problems with the log-in? Feel free to contact us anytime!
You can find information about the terms and conditions for using the library services on our website. The library team can inform you also when you visit the library. If you are already a member of the library, you can proceed directly to step 2.
Application Form OPAC-usage
In order to activate your personalized OPAC, we need the below listed information. Please fill in the form and then click on "Submit".