How to register
Make your payment by cash deposit at your nearest Commercial Bank of Ceylon (CBC) branch. A list of all branches can be found here: Commercial Bank of Ceylon Branch Location in Bangladesh (

Make sure to note the code and price of your course. You will need both to fill in the bank deposit slip at CBC. The 4-digit course code can be found in the “course choice” dropdown menu below, .i.e., AiNA (for A2 Intensive class).

Course fees during pre-registration  

Intensive 160 A2  27.300 BDT 26.300 BDT
Intensive 190 B1 31.500 BDT 30.500 BDT
Extensive 75 A1.2  13.100 BDT 12.600 BDT
Extensive 80 A2.1/A2.2 13.700 BDT 13.200 BD
Intensive 160 A2 27.300 BDT 26.300 BDT
Intensive 190 B1 31.500 BDT 30.500 BDT
Extensive 75 A1.2 13.100 BDT 12.600 BDT
Extensive 80 A2.1/A2.2 13.700 BDT 13.200 BDT
Intensive Booster 75 B1 (Part 1/Part 2) 13.100 BDT 12.600 BDT 
Fill in the form below, upload a picture of your passport/ National ID and the CBC cash deposit slip and click on “Buy”.

Receive your course confirmation by email within two working days.

Need assistance? Contact us: Contact and Enrolment - Goethe-Institut Bangladesh

Please find the example of Bank payment confirmation slip. You need to attach Your Bank payment confirmation slip in section ‚Payment slip‘ in this registration from.

Please select
Please select

Mention the address, where you would like to receive documents.

NB: The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed 20 MB.

BANK NAME: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC; Payment mode: cash deposit; Account Name: German Cultural Centre & Goethe-Institut; Account No: 1818004569

NB: The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed 20 MB.
Please select
Please select
  • Family reunion visa
  • Professional reasons
  • Hobby/ personal interest
  • Study in Germany
  • Other

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