
Moritz von Oswald
© Marion Benoit

A Performance by Moritz von Oswald

La Sala Rossa

Akklamation is a new performative compositional cosmos for Moritz von Oswald, a piece which sets out to unify the expansive and divergent musical paths of the electronic master.

From his origins in the German new wave to his pioneering work in the intersection of dub and various strands of electronic music to his more recent forays into the fringes of experimental music and composition. Akklamation serves as an investigation into the future of rhythmic structures, timbral architecture and an exploration of the psycho-physical effects of repetition.

Moritz von Oswald, legendary master of electronic experimentalism and technical exactitude, has an unassailable place in the modern history of forward-thinking To follow his career is to take a guided tour through some of the most important developments, places and people in the history of electronic music.



La Sala Rossa

4848, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montreal H2T 1R5

Price: $ 10 (presale) - $ 14 (at the door)

+1 514-499-0159 #107