Window projections - from sunset to midnight

© Foto (Detail): Ursula Kaufmann

A Piece by Pina Bausch as seen by photographer Ursula Kaufmann

Goethe-Institut MTL

Nelken, known in English as Carnations, is one of the most important and most frequently performed pieces by Pina Bausch all over the world.

Window projections - from sunset to midnight
The stage is a huge field of artificial carnations, over which the dancers move slowly so as not to crush the pink sea of flowers. In the course of the almost two-hour performance, the untroubled mood changes; bedlam commences when chairs are carried onto the stage on which the dancers move homogeneously. The carnations then lie trampled on the stage floor. Lutz Förster performs The Man I Love in sign language. Pina Bausch creates imagery that makes the audience laugh and cry. The piece is about love, longings, humiliations and psychological cruelty. Even after 38 years, the dancers still reap standing ovations after the Carnation performances.”
Ursula Kaufmann
August 19, 2020


The Montreal Dance presenter Danse Danse had planned the performance of Nelken/Carnations for the fall, which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. Instead, they will revive the spirit of Pina Bausch, the great German choreographer, in a special production, the Nelken Line, a mythical sequence based on her masterpiece. More information will follow!



Goethe-Institut MTL

1626 boul. St-Laurent, bureau 100
Montreal H2X 2T1

Language: French
Price: Free admission

+1 514-499-0159