Have a Tea with a Tree

Teacup Tools
Teacup Tools | © Agnes Meyer-Brandis, VG Bildkunst

Conference by artist Agnes Meyer-Brandis

Pavillon Judith-Jasmin, UQAM

Have a Tea with a Tree
Agnes Meyer-Brandis will talk about her artistic research taking place at the Station for Measuring Ecosystem Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) climate and forest research station in Hyytiälä ,Finland and other forest research stations in Europe, an ongoing project since 2014. The lecture will speculate on a cup of tea and take the audience into the woods, the clouds and the hovering matter in between, looking at artistic and scientific methods to measure the invisible.
Agnes Meyer-Brandis studied mineralogy for a year, then transferred to the Art Academy in Maastricht, the Düsseldorf Art Academy and the Cologne Media Art Academy. She comes from a background of both sculpture and new media art. Her work, exhibited worldwide and awarded, is exploring the zone between fact and fiction - an artistic research on the quest for a degree of reality within constructions. Meyer-Brandis had exhibitions at Centre Pompidou Paris, FR / Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum for Contemporary Art Berlin, DE / HeK, House of Electronic Arts Basel, CH / National Gallery of Denmark SMK, Copenhagen, DK / National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, TWN /  FACT, Liverpool, UK / apexart, New York City, NY, US / Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, KOR / ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, DE / The Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, DE / Ars Electronica, Linz, AT / Oxo Tower, Bargehouse, London, UK amongst others.


Pavillon Judith-Jasmin, UQAM

405, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Montreal H2L 2C4

Language: English/French
Price: Free
