Seminar Biohacking in the Medical Field

© Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Prospects for Developing Countries

Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Did you know that with a simple hack on the lens of any cheap and widely accessible webcam, anyone can build a "quite good" microscope for scientific research and medical diagnostics projects? The Association for the Promotion of Open Science in Haiti and Africa (APSOHA) and the Higher Institute of Medical Technology (ISTM) will be holding a videoconference on the opportunities Biohacking  offers to practice quality science at very low cost, as well as the possibility of building our laboratory equipment  ourselves.


Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Rue Joseph Mballa Eloumden (Rue 1.077)
P.O. Box 1067 Yaounde

Language: English, Français,Deutsch
Price: Free

+237 6 55 49 88 69 ; +237 6 51 30 29 50