What's new?
The project beginns

We are launching a new Erasmus+ project at the Goethe-Institut Prag. The aim of Debate not Argue is to promote media literacy among young people, create educational materials and test new possibilities of hybrid education. The project is an international one and our partners are educational organizations from the Czech Republic, Belgium, Lithuania, Serbia and Poland.

The main aim of our project is to create a website with educational materials that can be used by teachers and youth workers who want to educate young people on the topic of media literacy. There will be a variety of diverse materials, so that we meet the needs of a wide range of young people - we will create methodologies, but also videos, a podcast and an encyclopedia with concrete examples of fake news and media manipulation.    
The project activities will be taking place from September 2022 to November 2023. During this period, we will organise international in person and online workshops for groups of participants from the six project countries. The participants will learn how to gather relevant information, identify and debunk fake news and to debate and share their opinion in a constructive way.    
Divided into international groups, the participants will be responsible for creating some of the educational materials themselves, supported by experts and the project organisers. Our database of materials will thus include the perspectives of diverse people with different experiences and opinions.  
Our website with more information about the project and the database of educational materials can be found HERE
