What's new?
First DNA activities


We are launching first activities within the Debate not Argue project. We have had the first online workshop, an international meeting in Serbia will take place in November and the website is filling up with the first materials on media literacy. 

On 3rd November 2022, we met at the first of approximately six planned online workshops. It was the first time that young people from six European countries involved in the project came together to learn about media literacy and create new materials. At the beginning of the workshop, we gave the participants basic information on what to expect during the project and what will be happening. What followed was an interactive workshop on fake news and media manipulation, led by Jarek Kociszewski (journalist and podcast producer). This was the first step towards productive work together in the coming year, when the participants will learn to gather credible information, form their own opinions and to promote media literacy and critical thinking in their local communities. 
All online workshops in the Debate not Argue project will take place in our online space in Gather.town called Palace of Literates. Designed to look like a historic library building, Palace of Literates is a welcoming place to meet and collaborate with other people as well as to individually walk around and explore our educational materials and our organizations' booths. Everyone is welcome at the Palace of Literacy anytime, visit it HERE.    
As a next step, we are now preparing our first LTT (Learning-Teaching-Training Activity). From 22 to 27 November, 30 participants and 6 organizers will meet in Novi Sad, Serbia to learn together about the first topic of the project - "information gathering". Together, they will participate in expert workshops, share their views and experiences and start working on training materials.  
The first materials have already been uploaded to our website and more will appear soon. Check them out HERE
