Golem-Labor: “Golem”

Golem-Labor | © Goethe-Institut / Dostálkovy


Golem-Labor is an international workshop series by the Goethe-Institut that brings together contemporary dance and VR technology. The starting point of the laboratory series is the contemporary dance performance Golem created by Carly Lave, which examines the relationship between the moving body, sensory reaction and virtual design. 

In Golem a human figure discovers its virtual data body. A non-linear narrative of self-obsession arises, reflective of the digital trends present in our current technosphere: vanity, narcissism, and a curation of the digitalized body. The relationship between dancers and technology explores the dynamics between physical and avatar bodies and between the material environment of the stage and the virtual world: Can the physical self stay autonomous? Or are we forever linked to our digital form? 

Choreographer and dancer Carly Lave shares an excerpt of Golem for the performance in Prague together with dancer John Snyder. Golem brings dance live to the stage with motion capture technology and makes it accessible via VR. The performance initiates the first Golem-Labor in which dancers, XR artists, and experts develop new movement research via motion capture technology and design. Research, choreography and questions generated from this lab will be passed onto to subsequent laboratories to build upon the research internationally.   

“Golem” was created by Carly Lave in collaboration with gamelab.berlin of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hochschule Kaiserslautern Virtual Design, Ghunghru Sounds, and supported by the U.S. Fulbright Program, Fulbright Commission Germany, Stanford University and private sponsors. 

Choreography: Carly Lave 
Dancer: Carly Lave, John Snyder 

Divadlo Archa

Sponsors and supporters
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfond

