Golem-Labor: Workshop

Golem-Labor | © Goethe-Institut / Dostálkovy


Golem-Labor is an international workshop series by the Goethe-Institut that brings together contemporary dance and mixed reality technologies. 

Each workshop will build upon the prior workshop’s research findings, building movement cumulatively to be utilized in the performance. The first workshop in Prague will record the excerpt from the Golem performance and, on this basis, will devote itself to experimenting with the Rococo motion capture system. The workshop participants are mixed teams from the fields of dance and virtual reality and develop a short performance together. 

Golem-Labor explores the interfaces between art and technology, man and machine, physical and virtual reality in an interdisciplinary and transnational manner. Dancers and choreographers work together with XR artists and VR experts on research tasks and a performance. The results will flow into the following laboratories, with which the experiment will continue in other countries in 2021. Finally, a virtual database of international movements will be created. 

Application for XR-Artists and Experts 
Concept and implementation: Goethe-Institut Tschechien, Carly Lave, Thomas Lilge 
Research concept: Thomas Lilge, Carly Lave, gamelab.berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Matters of Activity 
Workshop concept: Carly Lave 
Project management: Zuzana Hubková, Teresa Weiser  

Partners of the Prague Labor: 
Duncan Centre 
Institut intermédií 

Sponsors and supporters: 
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds 



Language: English