Consultation Counselling for people with experience of racism

Woman with Hijab in front of the computer Dmitrii Shironosov © Colourbox

Thu, 25.04.2024

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Consultation hour

weact-logo with text: ''Community-based racism-critical counselling'' © Goethe

The weact contact and advice centre is aimed at people who are affected by racism and discrimination. We want to support those affected by providing low-threshold counselling services to help them deal with their experiences of racism and strengthen their ability to act through systemic support.

Depending on the number of people registered, the counselling session can last between 45 and 60 minutes. Counselling sessions are available in German, English, French, Spanish or Portuguese and our counselling is critical of power, intersectional, solidary and trusting. We look forward to your participation! Participation is free of charge.                                                                                                                       

Counselling concerns:
  • Racism in everyday life, e.g. in leisure time, in sport, in shops, ...
  • Institutional and structural racism, e.g. in education, healthcare, the world of work, the housing market, immigration authorities, the police, ...
