
© Michaela Engst

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

The COLLECTIVE CREATIVE workshop with Michaela Engst was happening for two weeks at the Goethe-Institut Addis Abeba, gathering creatives of various disciplines. It was all about approaching creativity without fear and sharing ideas.

The result is a very unique exhibition which triggers your senses and wants to interact with you.
Many people feel that if they aren’t performing in giant arenas, scratching Van Gogh level masterpieces on canvases, putting forward bestsellers or creating the flashiest red carpet dresses that they aren’t making art worth its salt.

German conceptual artist Yousef Beuys says, “Everyone is an Artist." and our very own Visual Artist Tamerat Gezahagn says, “Art is to stimulate thought." A realistic approach to the fear of dying without leaving our mark is to realize that we actually do. The world we live in is a collective masterpiece we all participate in.

Create something - Leave your print.


Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Sedist Kilo
Compound of College of Business and Economics
P.O.B. 11 93 Addis Abeba