Paneldiskussion DRIN Day: Celebrating children’s stories, diversity & community

Illustration: Kinder verschiedener Hautfarben mit dem Projektnamen DRIN Illustration: EL BOUM

Do, 26.01.2023

17:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Bibliothek Oodi

Diversity in Children's Books

Since 2018, our project DRIN – Visions for Children’s Books has attempted to address questions on diversity, representation, inclusion and norm critique in children's literature. Join us in the celebration of the launch of our new publication and the achievements of the DRIN project during the past years. Together with our partners, workshop participants and interested parties, we have managed to build empowering networks, exchange and share information, as well as create materials to raise awareness on diversity, representation and inclusion in children’s books.

In autumn 2022, DRIN organised an international online workshop ​for emerging BIPOC writers and illustrators. Participants were paired up to work on creating illustrated children’s stories about celebrations together, and the results of this collaborative process will be displayed in the new DRIN publication, and shared in a panel discussion.

During the same period, we have also jointly organised school visits in Helsinki with our partner Lukukeskus (Finnish Reading Center), where we introduced the themes of DRIN to groups of 9, 11 and 16 year olds. Lukukeskus will be presenting the pedagogical materials based on these school visits at the event.

We invite you to join our celebratory program on 26.1.2023 in Oodi Central Library, Helsinki. The whole event will be in English.


10:30-11:30 Reading for children
A reading session of a collection of stories celebrating the topics of DRIN for 4-6 year olds by artist and reader-mediator, Kemê.


17:00-17:30 Presentation of pedagogical materials by Lukukeskus (Finnish Reading Center)

17:30-18:30 Panel discussion on the experiences from the DRIN workshop for writers & illustrators
Panelists: Chantal-Fleur Sandjon, Jasmina El Bouamraoui (EL BOUM), Warda Ahmed, Trilce García, Wende Luvinga-Heinoja
Moderator: Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin

18:30-20:00 Reception with drinks & snacks (by invitation only)

The DRIN project is supported by Allianz Foundation.
