Antje Rávik Strubel and
Jamie MacDonald

Breakfast at Goethe
Kuva: Goethe-Institut Finland

Sarjassa Breakfast@Goethe


This autumn’s first Breakfast@Goethe with Antje Rávik Strubel and Jamie MacDonald at Goethe-Institut Finnland. Strubel and MacDonald will introduce their artistic practices and share insights on contexts they work with including diversity, queerness and gender.

Antje Rávik Strubel is a German author and translator, based in Potsdam. She has written eight works of fiction, essayistic travel books and has been rewarded with several literary prizes. Many of her works play with gender identity and take queer approaches to narrative conventions. In August-September, she spends four weeks in Helsinki as a writer in residence invited by the Goethe-Institut Finnland. At the breakfast she will talk about diversity in her work and read some excerpts.

Jamie MacDonald is a Canadian-born stand-up comedian based in Helsinki. In 2016 he was voted Comedian of the year in Kallio Comedy festival. Topics MacDonald covers in his work include minority bodies in stand-up comedy (particularly queer and trans bodies), roleplaying and performing, collaborative narratives, comedy and society, and plenty of autobiographical work about transitioning gender.

Breakfast@Goethe is a series of gatherings where Goethe-Institut’s guests from Germany meet artists and experts based in Finland and exchange ideas about current topics while enjoying breakfast together.

RSVP by Wednesday August 28th at
Please note that the number of  participants is limited.



Salomonkatu 5 B

Kieli: englanti
Hinta: Ilmoittautumiset 28.8. mennessä:

+358 44 7222707
Osa sarjaa Breakfast@Goethe 2019