Young Learners' Course
GCSE-Level Exam Preparation - Group II

GCSE-Level Exam Preparation - Group I

Blended Learning

Goethe-Institut London

Are you taking your GCSE German exam in 2022 and are you keen to improve your exam results? Students who have taken our GCSE Exam Preparation Course have shown to have improved their predicted grades and gain the A/A* - grade 9 exam result they wanted.

This course will improve your listening and reading comprehension and the accuracy of your writing and speaking skills. The course provides a thorough training of all the skills that are required to master the GCSE exam successfully. Group discussions and written exercises will focus on the topics relevant to the new GCSE exam. There will also be grammar revision to improve students’ accuracy in speaking and writing.

Have a look at the topics we will be covering in the table below.


• All relevant assessment themes and topics
• Two Saturday classroom sessions at the Goethe-Institut
• 6 Online phases
Module 1 Identity and Culture
Classroom lessons: Sat.12.2.2022, 1:15 - 5:30pm
Online phase 1: Relationships/Media/Culture, 12.2. – 22.2.2022
Online phase 2: Freetime activities/customs/festivals, 22.2. – 5.3.2022
Module 2 Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Classroom lessons: Sat. 5.3.2022, 1:15 – 5.30 pm
Online phase 3: Home and living/social issues,
5.3. – 15.3.2022
Online phase 4: Global issues/environment/travel/regions,
15.3. –26.3.2022
Module 3 Current and future Study and Employment
Classroom lessons: Sat.26.3.2022, 1:15 - 5:30pm
Online phase 5: My studies/Life at school/college
26.3. – 5.4.2022
Online phase 2: Education post – 16/Jobs,career choices
5.4. – 23.4.2022


You can enrol for this course by post, by telephone or in person. Please contact our Language Office or use our enrolment form.

Enrolment Form GCSE Preparation

Register by: 03.02.2022

If you require further advice and information please contact the Language Office Team:  href="" class="do-resolve" title="" target="_self"> href="" class="do-resolve" title="" target="_self">


Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Language: German
Price: £215

+44 20 7596 4031