Wolfgang Bauer

Edinburgh International Book Festival
Photo: Susanne Graaf, Goethe-Institut Glasgow

To risk my life had to mean something

Edinburgh Futures Institute (EIBF)

Wolfgang Bauer and Gulwali Passarlay

In 2014, Wolfgang Bauer was one of the first undercover reporters to document the journey of Syrian refugees from Egypt to Europe, witnessing the brutality of smugglers and the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean. Aged 12, Gulwali Passarlay was smuggled away from Afghanistan after the US army killed his father. He endured a 12 month journey, time in prison and a Calais camp before making it to Britain. Today, the two share their eyewitness accounts.


Edinburgh Futures Institute (EIBF)

1 Lauriston Place
United Kingdom

+44 141 332 2555
Part of series Edinburgh International Book Festival 2016