Meet the artist / Performance
Johann Reißer

Johann Reißer
© Johann Reißer

StAnza venues

Sun 11 March | 14:15 - 15:00 | Free Admission | The Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, Conference Room

Meet the Artist

A chance to meet Johann Reißer, the writer and director who created Catastrophe/Forms: WW1 in 9 Pictures

Johann Reißer created Catastrophe/Forms for the Berlin poesiefestival’s 2014 series of events on World War I poetry, to mark the centenary of the Great War. His original project presents war poetry from 34 countries with a curated collage of images from those desperate years, from the trenches and war factories, from newspaper headlines to portraits of soldier poets. Since 2014 he has adapted Catastrophe/Forms for other performances, including the special performance with young voices for StAnza 2018, which will be performed following this event. He works as a director and actor with different performance collectives, producing his own pieces on topics covering economic liberalism, colonialism, city development and war. His work has been performed in theatres and at festivals across Germany, Austria and the UK. He has been a writer in residence in Regensburg, Rottweil, Pfaffenhofen and Esslingen.

Sun 11 March | 15:30 - 16:30 | Free Admission | The Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, Auditorium

Catastrophe/Forms: WW1 in 9 Pictures

A poetry performance created and arranged by Johann Reißer, performed by the Byre Youth Theatre under the direction of Ashley Foster and Stephen Jones:

Catastrophe/Forms was originally created by Johann Reißer for the Berlin poesiefestival’s 2014 series of events to mark the centenary of WWI. The original project presented war poetry from 34 countries accompanied by a curated collage of images from those desperate years. From marking the war’s start marking to its end and from the Triple Alliance to the Triple Entente: the Byre Youth Theatre are bringing the project to Scotland for StAnza 2018, with a performance which interweaves recordings of young people from across Europe reading the war poems in their own languages.


StAnza venues

St Andrews
United Kingdom

Language: English
Part of series German Poetry at StAnza 2018