German Clubs

Explore German language teaching with our German Club Starter Kits! Previous knowledge of German is not a necessity to set up a club. Club materials are designed for all club leaders, who wish to introduce students to German as a foreign language. German Club Starter Kits will include a German Club Handbook (digital or hardcopy) for club leaders, gamified learning challenges, badges, and awards for students, with different learning routes according to students' ages. We further offer comprehensive professional training and incentive trips for teachers and heads who start up a club. 

Image of a child drawing with rocks and craft materials © Unsplash

Teachers, Get set ... with our German Club Starter Kit

Give your students a glimpse of German, with our German Club Starter Kits! Not a specialist German teacher? Not a problem! Our Club Leader Handbooks contain fully planned sessions, with interactive media and challenges appropriate to students‘ ages.

Comprehensive club materials, interactive media, worksheets with teacher solutions, and fun activites will ...

  • gamify German language learning for students with badges, awards, and in a fun club-house mentality
  • give teachers the opportunity to strengthen their German language teaching with ready-made template lessons that get students engaged with the German language
  • connect pupils and students who share an interest in language learning across schools and nationwide through community building
  • allow non-specialized teachers to explore German language teaching at their own speed in a pedagogically supervisory role
  • encourage and promote talent in students and teachers under the generous GIMAGINE umbrella, with current initiatives and events, incentive trips for teachers, and exchange programmes for students.

Get started!

We are currently working on making available a handbook (hardcopy and digital) containing fully planned sessions with club-activities, lesson plans, interactive and fun learning materials with solutions for teachers to German Club leaders.

If you would like some support in setting up a club, we are happy to come and help out at your school: Our free GEM support is available to schools across England.

Pre-planned sessions and activities

We aim to motivate students and make teaching easy with contemporary learning materials and German Club themes. Materials will be available for the following routes.

New to German teaching?

Do you have a question?

We would be delighted to hear from you!

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German learning community platform

Deutsch für Dich

Goethe-Institut's “Deutsch für Dich” platform is an interactive, gamified, easily accessible and safe self-learning space. Exercises are designed for learners of all language levels and are directed towards a variety of age groups. Interactive features, such as topical forums and comment functions, allow for community building. Users may also create private groups for private exchanges. The Deutsch-für-Dich-team responds to public commentary and deletes inappropriate content.

4 young people are looking at their mobile devices against a blue backdrop Foto:,

Logo: GIMAGINE project