German Language

We offer courses in different formats:

  • Present in Goethe-Institute
  • Online in ZOOM
  • Blended Learning format

With us you learn German. Simply. Effectively. Now!

Our course offers

Our offer

The Goethe-Institut brings the German language into the world: we offer German courses and exams in more than 90 countries. You can practise German free of charge with our diverse selection of online exercises and in the Community. Find out about opportunities for professional development and materials for German teachers (DaF/DaZ).

German courses A1-C2

Learn German with a German course at the Goethe-Institut - in Georgia, in Germany or online.

Teaching german [DE]

The Goethe-Institut is the world's leading provider of professional development for German teachers. We offer you a comprehensive programme – in Ireland, in Germany or via distance learning.

German Examinations

Document your language skills with a language exam at the Goethe-Institut.


Practise German free of charge

You can benefit from our diverse online opportunities covering language levels A1–C2.


GETVICO24 Logo © Goethe-Institut (Nikolaus Urban)


GETVICO24 is a virtual German teacher conference that takes you around the world in 24 hours.

This year's 24-hour virtual German teachers' conference will take place from 19 to 20 October 2022. Register now!

Grünes Diplom [DE]

The Goethe-Institutes in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan offer highly motivated teachers for German as a foreign language (GFL) a teachers training to become qualified GFL teachers at Goethe-Institutes.


Deutschlehrerverband DVG

Verband der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer in Georgien
