Specialised Courses

We offer a wide range of courses

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Illustration einer Lerngruppe mit mehreren Teilnehmern
  • wide range of courses
  • learning in a group
  • deepening your language skills

In our specialised German courses you can expand your language skills according to your personal preferences or needs.

Our Courses

Conversation course for German language teacher - online

Are you tired of only having A2 or B1 conversations? Would you like to enjoy challenging conversations in German again without having to worry about didactic topics?

Online Placement Test

The right course for your language level
New participants with previous knowledge of German and participants whose last German course at the Goethe-Institut was more than 6 months ago should take our online placement test before booking.

Additional Offers

Ein leerer Klassenraum mit quadratischen Tischen in Reih und Glied. Auf jedem Tisch liegen säuberlich angeordnet ein paar Blätter Papier Foto (Ausschnitt): Getty Images

Exam Preparation

In these courses we prepare you specifically for the requirements of our B2 and C1 exams. You will learn about the contents of the exam, solve different sample tests and practise the most important exam techniques.

Zwei Männer sitzen in einem Büro und schauen zusammen ein Papierdokument an, vor ihnen steht ein Laptop Foto (Ausschnitt): Getty Images

Individual career counselling in German

During a counselling session, you have the opportunity to have your German-language job application documents corrected. You will receive individual advice in 2 lessons of 45 minutes each. Appointment by arrangement.
Price: HUF 16 000

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