Record Sales and Global Market Effects

Gaming industry during the COVID-19 pandemic
Groupe Dejour

Instagram Live with Adam Ardisasmita (AGI) about the Video Game Industry during the Pandemic


Bandung is known as a city of cultural and creative industries. In recent years, more and more video game companies and start-ups have settled here, driving the development of the gaming industry in Indonesia. How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the video game industry?
In Instagram Live, Adam Ardisasmita, Vice President of AGI (Asosiasi Game Indonesia) talks about the positive effects of the lockdown for the gaming industry as well as the sometimes difficult situation for developers. He will focus on topics such as record sales of video games and consoles during #dirumahsaja, the consequences of global market effects on the Indonesian video game industry, and measures taken by the Indonesian government to support the creative industries in the current crisis. Adam will also present various initiatives such as virtual gamescoms and Game Jam on the topic of COVID-19 and report on current activities of AGI. As moderator, Imansyah Lubis will lead through the talk and the following discussion. He was active in the Indonesian comic revival movement in the 1990s, and Imansyah Lubis was also active in other areas of the creative industry. He was also responsible for the educational game 'Jermania' for the Goethe-Institut. He currently works as a production manager at Bumilangit Studios.

For Library Talks the Goethe-Institut Bandung invites local partners from different sectors of the creative industries as well as GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) to talk about current issues and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogues with discussion afterwards take place every third Saturday as Instagram Live on @goetheinstitut_bandung.
To Event Series: Library Talks




Language: Indonesian
Price: Free and open to the public

Part of series Library Talks

On Instagram @goetheinstitut_bandung