Creative Comics in the Pandemic

Groupe Dejour

Instagram Live with Terra Bajraghosa and Patra Aditia


How do comic artists navigate their creative practices in the current pandemic situation? How did comics expand and become merchandise, games, even stamps? What are the challenges faced by comic artists, considering the place where they are based?
On Instagram Live, Terra Bajraghosa, a comic curator, lecturer, also a visual artist from Yogyakarta, describes how independent comic publishers struggle and strive during the pandemic and refers to comic exhibitions which were held in the last months while maintaining the health protocol.protocol.
Additionally, Patra Aditia, a comic artist from Bandung, talks about the widespread consumption of comics, which are now no longer limited to printed form, whether it's in books or newspaper columns, which directly (or indirectly) affected the comic industry. In a period where technology is rapidly developing, comics are finding their market in mobile applications such as LINE Webtoon or social media--especially Instagram, which, along with the implementation of physical restrictions due to the pandemic, have become the main platform to distribute information and interact with each other.
For Library Talks, the Goethe-Institut Bandung invites local partners from different sectors of the creative industries as well as GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) to talk about current issues and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogues with discussion afterwards take place every third Saturday as Instagram Live on @goetheinstitut_bandung.

Terra Bajraghosa is a lecturer and visual artist who likes to read and make comics, a father of two children, born and works in Yogyakarta. He is also curator for several comic exhibitions. The alias “Robotgoblok” is sometimes used for his creative purposes.
Commissioned by the Goethe-Institut Indonesien Terra created a mural in its Jakarta office. He supported Goethe-Institut’s comics’ programme in Yogyakarta such as Comiconnexion with German comic artists Sascha Hommer and Mawil, and Comicweeks with Reinhard Kleist.
Patra Aditia (*1980 in Bandung) deals with visual media, especially comics and drawings. Some of his comic works are “Koil: Dragonian Warriors”, “Koil: Fallen Gods”. In 2018 he won the third place at the Gudang Garam Indonesia Art Award on the topic comic scene. He is currently working on exhibitions and residency programs on a national and international level. He is a lecturer at Telkom University in Bandung.

To Event Series: Library Talks




Language: Indonesian
Price: Free and open to the public

Part of series Library Talks

On Instagram @goetheinstitut_bandung