Board Game on Its Relevance and Effects in the Digital Era

©Groupe Dejour

Instagram Live with Eko Nugroho


What is the role of board games in today's digital era? How do board games affect players in refining the three basic skills which are very much needed in responding to everyday life: problem solving, critical thinking, decision making?
On Instagram Live, Eko Nugroho game designer, game-based learning expert & CEO Kummara describes the board game approach as a learning medium as well as a trigger to improve three basic personal abilities that players can have. In addition, in the increasingly developing digital era, board games can be an alternative to avoid dependence on gadgets and train interaction and communication between fellow players, in this case family, friends, relatives and co-workers.
This session will be hosted and moderated by Kandi Sekarwulan, an expert for alternative education methods.
For Library Talks, the Goethe-Institut Bandung invites local partners from different sectors of the creative industries as well as GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) to talk about current issues and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogues with discussion afterwards take place every third Saturday as Instagram Live on @goetheinstitut_bandung.

Eko Nugroho is one of the founders of the Ludere Nusantara Foundation (Ludenara), a non-profit organization that focuses on implementing game-based interactive learning approaches to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Also, Eko is the CEO and Game Designer of the Kummara Group who has had trusted to develop games, game-based learning programs, and gamification in various national and international institutions. Eko is also known as a game designer/consultant for the Corruption Eradication Commission, GIZ, HIVOS, the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Economy Agency, and The Urban Logistics Program for Leaders (National University of Singapore, Temasek Foundation, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs). Additionally, he is involved in various collaborative research with the Bandung Institute of Technology, BINUS International, Unisba Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine UI, Satya Wacana Christian University, Singapore Institute of Mental Health, and University of New South Wales Australia.
Recorded as a finalist for the 2015 Gamification World Award, in recent years, Eko has had invited as a speaker at various international forums and seminars, including Serious Game Conference in Singapore and South Korea, SPIEL in Germany, Connected Learning Summit at MIT Media Lab America, International Conference on Game, Game Art, and Gamification in Jakarta, and Knowledge Management Learning Summit in Bandung.

To Event Series: Library Talks




Language: Indonesian
Price: Free

Part of series Library Talks

On Instagram @goetheinstitut_bandung