Chilifest – Day 1

Ein Tag zum Lesen, Singen und Basteln
© Goethe-Institut Bandung

Our end-of-the-year party as two-day festival for everyone

Goethe-Institut Bandung

The Goethe-Institut Bandung invites you to attend Chilifest—a year-end celebration focusing on sustainability and presenting a variety of exciting offline and online activities. Come to our book reading session with Pustakalana, test our natural dyes with Nidiya Kusmaya. And don’t miss the inauguration of the themenecke, a gardening workshop with permaculture methods hosted by Kebun Belakang. You are also invited to a concert featuring Bottlesmoker and an exhibition of the Sedekah Benih project.

Friday, 26 November 2021 

Storytelling Session with Pustakalana | 9 - 11 AM
Storytelling for children using the yoga method will take place in two sessions in collaboration with Pustakalana at Selaras Guest House. Besides storytelling, participants can choose board games to play together. At the end of the session, everyone will receive seeds to plant at home.
Link to Register
Online Seminar with DAAD related to study in Germany | 10 - 11.30 AM
What steps do you need to take before you start studying in Germany? This virtual event is organized to accomodate course participants, students, parents, university graduates, teachers, lecturers, and professionals who are looking for information related to studying. There will be also a quiz (voucher for language course)
Link to Register
Workshop by Nidiya Kusmaya | 3 - 5 PM
Did you know that you can extract colors from the food you have at home? In this workshop, we will learn how to create natural dye that you can use on paper or cloth, led by Nidiya Kusmaya--Sukabumi-based artist who has been working in this method for her artistic practice. This workshop is free, and you only need to bring your own apron and plastic gloves.
Registration via E-Mail  href="mailto:dian.arumningtyas.extern@goethe.de" class="do-resolve" title="dian.arumningtyas.extern@goethe.de" target="_self">dian.arumningtyas.extern@goethe.de

Permaculture Workshop with Kebun Belakang | 4 - 5 PM
In the permaculture workshop sessions with Kebun Belakang, we will explore ways to optimize limited planting areas, create bedding and tillage, and select the right plants to start gardening at home. Presented online in three consecutive sessions—26 November, 3 and 10 December.
Link to Register

more details:

Pustakalana Children's Library is a Children's Library and Space which has been running since December 1, 2015 in Bandung, which is run with the spirit of volunteerism and is not for profit. After 2.5 years at Simpul Space #, Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF), Jalan Taman Cibeunying Selatan No.5, Bandung, currently Pustakalana is located at: 2nd Floor of Selaras Guest House.

The DAAD is an organization of German institutions of higher education. Its goal is to promote academic cooperation worldwide, especially through the exchange of students, scientists, and academics. One of the services offered by DAAD is advice on scholarships and study opportunities in Germany. In its presentation, DAAD provides general information about studying in Germany, be it for bachelor, master, or doctor. 

Nidiya Kusmaya
Nidiya Kusmaya is a textile artist and researcher who works in a variety of textile materials and natural dyeing methods that could be applied to various art installations and products. Currently, she is researching combining kitchen waste and other uncommon materials such as micro fungus and bacteria as colorants for textiles that are environmentally friendly. Through her research, she is aiming to extend the food chain into clothing material.

Kebun Belakang
Kebun Belakang is an initiative of Misbah Dwiyanto and Ivana that occupies a 1600 square meter piece of land in Cimahi, West Java. In addition to growing vegetables and fruits, Misbah and Ivana also raise livestock and use their initiative as a platform for learning about permaculture methods meeting one’s own food needs.

To Event Series: Chilifest


Goethe-Institut Bandung

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jalan Martadinata 48
Bandung 40115

Language: Indonesian
Price: Free of Charge | With Reservation

Part of series Chilifest