Sharing Session
Between Art and Commerce

Alur Bunyi - Gardika Gigih und Tomy Herseta
© Goethe-Institut Indonesien

Insights into Berlin’s creative industries by Berlin-based VJ- and design studio Pfadfinderei

Goethe-Institut Jakarta

During this workshop Honza, co-founder of Pfadfinderei will talk about the creation process of art and how to best tackle obstacles. He is going to comment on his personal inspiration and his heroes, the history of the Pfadfinderei collective, as well as the ever-changing Berlin scene from 1990's until now.
With more than 20 years of experience in the creative industry, Honza will give a brief overview on how to promote, secure and sell your art to the right clients. Also, how to find the right artistic collaborators and maintain a healthy balance between art and commerce. Participants will be invited to actively take part in a question and answer session.
Participants should bring a smartphone and laptop.

Pfadfinderei is a Berlin-based international collective specializing in interdisciplinary concepts for visual music performances, multi-media installations, stage shows, and creative direction. Going beyond their initial roots of screen work, they apply immersive components to fuse light, video, and spatial design.


Goethe-Institut Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: English
Price: Free Entry | with Invitation

+62 21 23550208 - 265
Part of series Alur Bunyi