Presentation and Discussion
Intermedia Art Exploration with Etza Meisyara

Intermedia Art Exploration with Etza Meisyara
©Etza Meisyara

Instagram Live with Etza Meisyara


The rapid development of humanity requires each individual to pay attention to harmony and connectedness between all things. In her works, Etza Meisyara, an artist from Bandung, explores different concepts of how humans, nature and technology relate to each other. Etza works with combustion techniques, scoring lines, etching and overwriting colors with different materials on a brass plate. For this she uses a special mix of sulfur, salt, asphalt and an electric current embossing technique. In the next episode of #AMAN - Intermedia Art Exploration, Etza provides insight into her artistic research with the materials she uses in the process of creating a work of art.
For AMAN (Agenda Seniman) local artists and musicians take over Goethe-Institut Bandungs´ Instagram channel and present current works as well as their everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every first Saturday of the month, we present a live session with a studio visit or a jam session followed by a discussion on @goetheinstitut_bandung.

In her artworks, the artist Etza Meisyara (Bandung, Indonesia) deals with contemporary issues of urban society. She focuses on the relationship between man, nature and technology and how they are mutually dependent. Her artworks are conceptual and interdisciplinary and usually combine sound art with visual culture.
In her artistic practice, Etza not only questions concepts of humanity and technological developments, but also experiments with new possibilities of media art. She explores specific themes and locations and chooses the medium of her works based on her artistic research. At the same time, Etza's works are often inspired by conversations and exchanges with various communities, in which she finds answers to her philosophical questions.

To Event Series: AMAN




Language: Indonesian
Price: Free and open to the public
Part of series AMAN (Agenda Seniman)

On Instagram @goetheinstitut_bandung