300 Years of Kant: Theories and Principles of the Heavens

300 Years of Kant: Theories and Principles of the Heavens
© Goethe-Institut Indonesien / Each Other Company

Join us in celebrating Immanuel Kant and his lasting principles, this time with Karlina Supelli on the topic of Kant’s theory and principle of the Heavens.

Komunitas Salihara

In his youth, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) compiled a highly ambitious cosmology ranging from the birth of the universe to its destruction, even resurrection from its own dust. It covered everything from physics to metaphysics; from the nature of matter and space-time to the concepts of human freedom and God as the ultimate cause of the world. The work did not see the light of day until decades later when Kant's thinking had already changed.

Instead, he concluded that the truth of cosmological ideas would never achieve validity. Ironically, the development of contemporary cosmology is more in line, more or less, with his early life theories. His central ideas helped shape the now most accepted theory to explain the evolution of planetary systems from wisps of mist. Kant also proposed a conception of the structure of galaxies spread across the universe long before astronomical knowledge was available. He was the earliest thinker to propose the idea of cosmic evolution. Equally interesting is his view of human beings. What and who is man in a cosmic marvel with indiscriminate mechanical laws? What is the fate of cosmology in Kant's hands?

Karlina Supelli
graduated from the doctoral program at University College London and Universitas Indonesia in the fields of astronomy and philosophy. She is a philosopher and one of the first female astronomers in Indonesia. She has interests in the field of science, particularly physics, mathematics, and metaphysics. Additionally, she is concerned with humanitarian and women's issues. Currently, Karlina Supelli is a permanent lecturer in the Graduate Program at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy (STF).

Nirwan Dewanto
has published books, among others, Buli-Buli Lima Kaki and Dua Marga (both poetry); Satu Half Mata-Mata and Kaki Kata (both essays); Buku Merah and Buku Jingga (both fiction). He divides his time between Jakarta and Yogyakarta.


Komunitas Salihara

Jalan Salihara 16
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan

Language: Indonesian
Price: Free Entrance | With Registration
