European Book Club #2: Sphinx von Anne Garréta

Anne Garréta Webseite
(C) mischen, Harri Kuhn

Online worldwide

On March 4th, 2021, at 6 p.m. GMT, the French author Anne Garréta will be a guest at the European Book Club. The European Book Club is a cooperation project of EUNIC Ireland. Every first Thursday of the month, best-selling European authors are invited to talk and discuss their novels in English translation.


The French Embassy and the Alliance Française Dublin invite you to the second event of the European Book Club: The French author Anne Garréta will speak in French about her novel Sphinx, the first genderless love story. Jean-Philippe Imbert, Professor of Comparative Literature and Sex Studies at the DCU, will moderate in English.


Anne Garréta is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure and has taught literature from the 17th and 18th centuries at various universities (Princeton, Rennes 2 and Paris 7-Diderot). She currently holds the Research Professorship in Literature at Duke University. Her research interests lie in the history and theory of the novel, the relationship between literature and science, aesthetics, gender and queer theory.

Sphinx is the remarkable debut novel from 1986 by the incredibly talented and inventive French author Anne Garréta. She is one of the few female members of Oulipo - the influential and exclusive French experimental literature group that has set itself the task of designing mathematical and formal structures for literary works.

This slim novel tells the story of two lovers in Paris without assigning a gender to either of them. It takes place in after-hour clubs and cabarets between a DJ (the narrator) and a dancer, A ***.


April 8, 2021, 6 p.m. GMT Dörte Hansen (German author)
May 6, 2021, 6 p.m. GMT Andrés Barba (Spanish author)
June 3, 2021, 6 p.m. GMT Anne Enright (Irish writer)


You can register here. You will then receive a link to the online live session.


Online worldwide


Language: English
Price: Free of charge