My Parents’ World – Inherited Memory

My Parents’ World – Inherited Memories

As a cross-border project, My Parents’ World – Inherited Memories is the first internet platform between Bangladesh and West Bengal/India to delve deep into the Partition of Bengal in 1947. Research on the third generation after Partition has been virtually non-existent. The interviews with members of this generation draw attention to the future and examine how memory, which is not personally experienced and is therefore not ‘objectifiable’, influences the picture of the post-Partition era.

All Interviews at a glance

The Project Website

The 20 interviews can be found here as well as brief bios of the participants and an detailed information about the project.

My parents' world Goethe-Institut Goethe-Institut

“Where is your home?”: One of twenty encounters


My Parents’ World – Inherited Memories is the first Internet platform between Bangladesh and West Bengal / India to deal with the consequences of the Partition of Bengal in 1947. The interviews show how the memories of the grandparents still characterize their grandchildren’s generation. Anusree Biswas is one of them.

Anusree © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut