Online Competition
Treffpunkt Schreiben


Writing is an art. As part of the writing competition “Treffpunkt Schreiben”, we invite you to get creative and write your own stories. Put your thoughts on paper and write on the topic “What does Germany and the German language mean to me?”. There are attractive prizes to be won.
Here are the details:
You can select your own genre: Poem, letter, Elfchen, short story, comic, song or rap, blog, memes etc.
Length: only DIN A4 with 1.5- line spacing

  • Title of the text and category (Poem, letter, Elfchen, short story, comic, song or rap, blog etc)
  • Full Name, Adresse, Telephone number, and E-Mail-Adresse
  • Please save and send your text as a separate file named with title of your text. The file name should not contain your personal details like name, adresse etc.
  • Please your entry/text on the given E-Mail-Adresse as PDF- or Word-Document!




Language: German
Price: On Invitation to PASCH-Students