Film Festival
Science Film Festival 2018

© Goethe-Institut Thailand

International Science Film Festival on campus

Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

From October - December, 2018, the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi invites schools and institutions across the city to partner with it in hosting an International Science Film Festival on campus.
The Science Film Festival brings science to the screen: entertaining, creative, exciting - and always enriching. The festival, a celebration of science communication, aims to make science accessible to a broad public in Southeast Asia, Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. Taking place in 23 countries and reaching over a million viewers, it is the largest event of its kind worldwide.
This year's theme is the Food Revolution. When we think about threats to the environment, we tend to picture cars and sprawling cities, not the food on our tables. But the truth is our need for food and meeting the demands of a fast growing global population poses one of the biggest dangers to the planet. The Science Film Festival 2018 explores key issues around nutrition and meeting the demands of a fast growing global population as one of the key challenges of this century.
Institutions may choose from a range of films on offer, ten films for the age group 9 - 12 years (middle school) and twelve films for the ages of 12 - 16 years (senior school), and fifteen films for the ages 17+ years (college and university) based on the length of time available and how they wish to build this programme into their other activities. The films will be shared with participating institutions to be screened on campus itself. A list of associated experiment activities and related training instructions will also be shared so that educators can choose to work with their students to make this programme more interactive and practical.
The films may be screened on any dates that suit your school calendar, from 10 October – 23 December, 2018.
The festival is free and open to everyone.

Please find a trailer for the festival here: Science Film Festival

A full list of the films on offer you can view here: 
Science Film Festival - List of Films

Book and schedule dates for the screening at your venue through this Doodle form.

Registration form:

Feedback form Students:

Feedback form Teachers:


Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

3, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi