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Building TogethernessGoethe-Institut © Mohammad Barroq


1. What do you mean by “Building Togetherness”? How shall the project ideas look like?
Your project idea shall be designed around the message “Building Togetherness”. By “building togetherness”, we understand the various ways culture, arts, or groups of people meet and create or build something together. For example, your project idea might show how it brings people together to create something new. Your project must be a project within the realm of art and culture.

2. Which kind of grant is it?
It is a production grant which aims to support you financially in implementing your own project idea.

3. Can I apply with a team or as an organization?
This call is meant for individual artists and cultural practitioners. You are free to take part as a team however, only one person from your team will be eligible to apply for the grant, and Goethe-Institut will only contract with that one person of your team. If you want to apply as an organization, we recommend you to not apply for this call, but to apply for another call which will be opened in the beginning of 2025.

4. I am already implementing a project right now which is funded by another organization. Can I apply for a second funding for the same project with Goethe-Institut? What, if it is not the same project, but a second project?
This is a case of “double funding”, meaning that we can only give you a grant if your project is not being funded by another organization, yet. However, if you were not able to finish a project which was funded by another organization, you can now apply for funding with Goethe-Institut and clearly indicate that the grant would serve as a co-fund.
If you have second project idea next to the project you are already implementing (and which is funded by another organisation), it is not “double funding”, and we would be very glad to receive your application in the framework of “Building Togetherness”.

5. Is this call open for all kind of arts or only for specific ones?
Yes, this call is open for all kind of arts.

6. How detailed does the budget plan have to be?
The budget plan shall be as detailed as possible. Of course, we understand that some prices can only be estimated.

7. I do not have that much experience yet and cannot deliver a comprehensive portfolio. Can I still apply?
Yes, we would love to receive your application. Goethe-Institut explicitly encourages people with whom they have not yet collaborated. Sending a portfolio is not mandatory and the jury can still be convinced by your application. So go for it!

8. I have already collaborated with Goethe-Institut for a project. Am I eligible to apply for this call?
Yes, even though you have already worked/received a fund from Goethe-Institut, we look forward to receiving your application. If you have already participated in Yemen Creative Hubs I, you are also eligible to apply provided that your project idea builds up on your project which you had implemented during Yemen Creative Hubs I. If you have further questions on this, please write an email to

9. Some women and girls would refuse to share their photos internationally. To what extent are you going to share the material?
We only share material on social media and / or our website if you confirmed for us that we can share it. Other materials will only be reviewed and archived by the Goethe-Institut and shared with the European Delegation to Yemen for reporting purposes.
