#STUDIO202X Part 4: Unsafe Mind – Anxiety, Isolation, and Authority in Times of Corona

© Goethe-Institut Tokyo

People keep asking me when corona is going to be over and everything will turn back to normal. My answer: Never. (Matthias Horx, futurologist)

Part 4 of the broadcast series #Studio202X, moderated by Daisuke Tsuda, is entitled “Unsafe Mind – Isolation, Anxiety, and Authority in Times of Corona”. It examines the impact of drastic limitation of social life due to the corona crisis on the mental state of individuals and society as a whole. Which groups in society are especially affected by the measures of `Social Distancing’? How can we maintain a social network that protects people in crisis situations from losing their ground, despite the minimization of personal contacts? What is the effect of the reduction of our spatial and social scope of activities on our mental condition, and how does the current situation change our relationship to authorities? Can the Corona crisis at best become a catalyst for new forms of solidarity that will unite our society?

Daisuke Tsuda will discuss these topics with his guests Kirsten Kappert-Gonther (Medical Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Member of the Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens; Pre-Recorded Interview), Maho Isono (Researcher, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University), Chisato Kitanaka (Harassment Consultation Center and Associate Professor, Hiroshima University), and Masaharu Maeda (Fukushima Medical University).

Studio202X is a talk format, initiated by the Goethe-Institut Tokyo and moderated by the journalist Daisuke Tsuda, to be broadcasted via Twitter and Facebook. It points out actual perspectives on the corona crisis, going beyond the scope of concrete crisis management in daily life. In talk sessions with Japanese and international artists and experts from the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology, law, and other disciplines, Tsuda and his guests approach different dimensions of significance of the current situation and ask about scenarios of social change that could be triggered by the present crisis.

During the broadcast, viewers have the opportunity to ask questions to the guests live.

With Japanese and English simultaneous interpretation

Broadcast LIVE on 4/24 19:00 JST / 12:00 CEST via:
