Reading, Discussion Literature Forum

Amka Literature Forum © Goethe-Institut

Saturday 28th November 2020, 10 Uhr

Goethe-Institut Nairobi


This is a forum for upcoming women writers and literary critics to share and discuss stories, poems and current literature trends with the aim of enhancing their creativity. The forum provides a space to listen to the voices of established and budding female writers – voices of women with a passion for literary adventure. It gives all women, heard and unheard, a chance to travel the world into their innermost thoughts to tell stories they have never had a chance to tell before. 

AMKA and the Goethe-Institut organize the monthly readings in the library of the Goethe-Institut every last Saturday of the month. Participation in the forum is open to both men and women.

Interested participants may send their poems and short stories to

The session will take place online, accessble via zoom: ​Link:
Meeting ID: 976 7748 1664
Passcode: AMKA

