Film Series
In The Middle Of Germany: NSU

Film Series
(c) Julia Terjung/Wiedemann & Berg

“The Investigators – For Official Use Only” (Part III)

Goethe Hall

A trio of right wing extremists commit murders while travelling across Germany. In November, 2011, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt shoot themselves. Days later, Beate Zschäpe hands herself in. Every manhunt proved futile or faked, and the demise of the National Socialist Underground trio coincides with the start of the real questions: Why did the authorities fail so spectacularly?

Director: Florian Cossen, colour, 92 min., 2015/16


Goethe Hall

39, R.G. Senanayake MW
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free Entry

+94-11-2694562 or +94-11-4712636
Part of series Terror in Germany