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Newsletter October 2021

Goethe-Institut Myanmar

Deutsch | English | မြန်မာ


Schloss Solitude

©Akademie Schloss Solitude

Akademie Schloss Solitude Fellowship 2022-2023

Opportunity for Myanmar Artists and Scholars

International artists are invited to apply from the following spheres of practice: VISUAL (visual arts and media), AURAL & PHYSICAL (music and performing arts), DIGITAL (digital art, gaming, digital journalism, digital publishing), SPATIAL (architecture and design), TEXTUAL (literature and language), SOCIETAL (education, mediation, theory), SCIENTIFIC (humanities, social, natural and economic sciences).
Surfer at Eisbachwelle

Photo (detail): © picture alliance / Mika

City Contours Munich

Conservative? Traditional? Boozy?

Well, which is it then? Come and explore the Bavarian capital with us – also against the grain. We give you an outline of the classic places, communities and events that are an intrinsic part of the city profile – and we redraw the contours by challenging a few clichés.


Class October


Online Courses

German Language Classes in October

Learn German with the international market leader for German language courses. Whether you are in Germany, in Myanmar or want to attend courses online - the Geothe-Institut is your qualified partner. Choose from our range of courses to find the focus that suits your objectives the best. Learn German successfully either for day-to-day use, or at a professional level for work or study. By taking a Goethe-Institut German exam you can obtain internationally recognised proof of your language skills. 




Goethe-Zertifikat Exams in October

We are offering Goethe-Zertifikat Exams in October! Please check our schedule!


Onleihe Learn German Everywhere




Here is the list of eMedia for German language learners who would like to practice and improve their German knowledge. Our Digital Library "Onleihe" is available anytime, anywhere, for free. All our Onleihe users can borrow German language media around the clock. 

If you still do not have an account at "Onleihe", register for free at
Get Virtual One-On-One Q&A Session


Let’s Meet a Librarian!

Get A Virtual One-On-One Q&A Session!

Our librarians are now available for virtual one-on-one sessions to answer your questions about the German Digital Library "Onleihe" and to provide general information about the library while it is temporarily closed. 

Simply send us an email biblio-yangon@goethe.de or contact us on messenger with your name, phone number, your questions, and some proposed dates that would work for you. Our librarians will then get in touch with you to make an appointment for the Q&A session. Since the sessions are one-on-one, you won’t have to worry about not getting all your questions answered!



Goethe-Institut Myanmar
Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, corner of Nat Mauk Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel. +95 1 9376160