German Language Competition
German Language Competition

Flight winners during the 2015 German Language Competition taking off after the announcement of their success.
Goethe-Institut Namibia

Win a flight to Germany!

Goethe-Institut Namibia

Namibian scholars learning German as a foreign language once again have the opportunity to win a flight to Germany by proving their skills in the German language to a group of professional judges.

Hosted by the Goethe-Institut Namibia and running since 1987, the competition begins with a selection of contestants through writing at various schools that offer German as a foreign language.

This is followed by oral exams at the Goethe-Institut Namibia and a fun day of German cultural activities for learners and teachers in promotion of the German language. What are you waiting for? If your school offers German as a foreign language, ask your teacher about the competition or contact the Goethe-Institut Namibia for more information.


Goethe-Institut Namibia

1-5 Fidel Castro Street
P.O. Box 1208