NUTS - Sylent Nqo & Slickartie

Sylent Nqo playing

Acoustic African rhythms through a guitar and djembe, and a mesmerizing voice speaking to the soul

Goethe-Institut Namibia

Join the June edition of Night under the Stars and welcome an electric duo to stage for a sensual performance on a cold winters’ night. The Goethe-Institut Namibia presents Sylent Nqo from Zimbabwe, who has won numerous international awards and made a statement with his ability to play the guitar. Combine that with the free spirit and djembe rhythm of Slickartie, also from Zimbabwe, to produce the sound of an acoustic African rhythm. Both artists have developed a talent they see as their way of communicating and expressing emotions evoked through the experience of life. Come and enjoy the journey with us.


Goethe-Institut Namibia

1-5 Fidel Castro Street
P.O. Box 1208

Price: 20 NAD