Symposium - Colonial Injustice: Addressing Past Wrongs

The Mourning Trixie slider

Goethe-Institut Namibia

Due to the years of the colonial times, a special history connects Germany and Namibia. Official negotiations between Namibia and Germany have been going on since 2015, aiming for an agreement which concerns the treatment of this time. Besides the political handling and valuation of the history, an intensive discussion about the German colonial past has arised during the past years on a wide societal level. This is also reflected in the current coalition agreement of the federal government.

The Goethe-Institut Namibia, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights and the Academy of Arts host together the symposium COLONIAL REPERCUSSIONS: REFLECTING ON THE GENOCIDE OF THE OVAHERERO AND NAMA PEOPLES 115 YEARS LATER in Windhoek. During this event, various voices will have space to discuss and interact.

Juridical, historical and cultural considerations of the occurrence in that time, its importance for a present cohabitation and the creation of a mutual future, will be at the centre of the symposium.

Due to limited room capacity, a prior registration for the event is necesarry. 

Register here:  Culture Windhoek
©Goethe-Institut Namibia


Goethe-Institut Namibia

1-5 Fidel Castro Street
P.O. Box 1208

Language: English
Price: Registered Only

+264 61 225 700