Film Screening
Sunset over Mulholland Drive

Sunset Over Mulholland Drive

Doc Edge Festival

Auckland, Q Theatre

The palms along Mulholland Drive sway softly in the light breeze under the evening sun. Here, in a sleepy suburb north-west of Hollywood, hides a unique kind of home for quite special inhabitants.

The residents of this retirement campus were once Hollywood’s backbone, the unsung heroes of the film industry.

Over 1000 actors, writers, directors, cameramen, agents, make-up artists, costume designers and even big studio bosses end up here. Hollywood stars who are still in business, like George Clooney, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg, support the community with generous donations true to the motto: “We take care of our own.“

n Woodland Hills the residents can also continue to pursue their talents and passions, thanks to an in-house TV studio, music rooms, writers’ groups and their own, state-of-the-art movie theatre.

Some continue to make films or pursue other projects. Sunset Over Mulholland Drive follows one such project and its creators, from their first brainstorming session to the premiere.

Residents share their very own Hollywood memories, revealing enduring dreams and hopes beyond the limelight – and lessons in life and love.


Auckland, Q Theatre

New Zealand

Price: $15 - $18

Part of series German film productions at DocEdge Festival

Q Theatre Loft