GFF: Das Mädchen und die Spinne

The Girl and the Spider - film still: two young women look at a spider
© Beauvoir Films

New Plymouth, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery

Switzerland 2021, 98 mins
Directors: Ramon Zürcher, Silvan Zürcher
Rating: M - offensive language and nudity

Lisa is moving out. Mara is left behind. As boxes are shifted, walls painted and cupboards built, abysses begin to open up, yearnings fill the room and an emotional rollercoaster is set in motion. A tragicomic catastrophe film. A poetic ballad about change and transience.
The Swiss twin brothers Ramon and Silvan Zürcher compose a poetic panopticon of forms of human relationships, that meanders between a study of everyday life, a fairy-tale and a psychological portrait of
a brittle world. After their Berlinale-hit THE STRANGE LITTLE CAT (2013), THE GIRL AND THE SPIDER is the second instalment of a trilogy about human togetherness. A ballad about the need for closeness and the pain of separation.

Proudly presented by:

Swiss Embassy Logo NZ ©   Swiss Embassy Logo NZ



New Plymouth, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery

Len Lye Centre
42 Queen St
New Plymouth
New Zealand

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: free entry