Online Conference


In 2008, the Federal Foreign Office launched the initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future" (PASCH) with the aim of establishing a global network of more than 2,000 partner schools with special ties to Germany. Arousing interest and enthusiasm for Germany, motivating young people to learn German, and creating a worldwide network of schools are the main goals of the PASCH initiative. The Goethe-Institut oversees around 670 PASCH schools in the national education systems of over 100 countries.

Today, around 200,000 students* are learning German at the PASCH schools supported by the Goethe-Institut. The graduates take their experiences from German lessons, their experiences in international exchange projects (e.g. youth courses in Germany, language camps in different countries and international competitions) and their worldwide contacts with other German learners with them on their further life and educational path. A bond with Germany remains. The growing circle of PASCH alumni continues to be interested in German and Germany and is involved in the PASCH network and projects for the next generation after school.

Are you one of these success stories? PASCH is looking for you!

What is it about?

The conference will be a mix of getting to know each other, project management and networking:
  • You will get to know and exchange ideas with other PASCH alumni in the Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand (SAN) region. 
  • You'll want to share your PASCH experience with today's PASCH students or run alumni projects for PASCH students. 
  • You will receive project management training and be accompanied by professional trainers from the Working Between Cultures team from Germany. This training will cover project planning from the initial idea to the concrete implementation plan of your future alumni project.
  • You will be part of the PASCH Alumni Network. 

Who can participate?

  • You have gone to one of the 71 FIT schools in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam or Western Samoa. 
  • You are between 18 and 30 years old. 
  • You have a connection to the German language and/or Germany after school, e.g. by studying German, studying in Germany, working in a German company or because your company has contacts to Germany.​

When will the "DIGITAL PASCH ALUMNI CONFERENCE SAN 2021" take place?

The conference will take place on 5 dates, each lasting 3 hours 15 minutes (incl. breaks) at the following times:
Online live session 1 (Tue., 01.06.2021)

Online live session 2 (Fri., 04.06.2021)

Online live session 3 (Tue., 08.06.2021)

Online live session 4 (Fri., 15.06.2021)

Online live session 5 (Tue., 06/18/2021)
07:00-10:15 12:30-15:40 13:00-16:15 14:00-17:15 17:00-20:15 19:00-22:15

Where will the "DIGITAL PASCH ALUMNI CONFERENCE SAN 2021" take place?

The conference will take place online via the Zoom platform.

How well do I need to know German?

The discussions and presentations will be in German. You need to have German language skills at level B1+ or higher. Please include a language certificate (Goethe-Zertifikat B1 with a grade of at least good or Goethe-Zertifikat B2, TestDaF Level 3, or similar) with your application. If you do not have a certificate, please make an appointment with the contact person at the Goethe-Institut in your country for a language assessment. 

How can I participate?

Fill out the online form no later than May 09, 2021. Upload your video clip (short film/animation, max. 3 minutes) and your short CV. Name your files with details of the country and name (e.g. Indonesia_Max Mustermann). Show in the video clip what connects you with PASCH:
  •    What does PASCH mean to you?
  •    What influence did PASCH have on your life?
  •    Possibly: Which alumni project would you suggest for PASCH?
The contact persons in the countries are:
Australia Joanna Gibson
Indonesia Ade Umar Said Schütz
Malaysia Daniela Wolf
Myanmar Dr. Suzan Radwan 
New Zealand Judith Geare
Philippines Jens Rösler/ Jeniffer Azores
Singapore Martina Schmid-Lindenmayer
Thailand Markus Stichel
Vietnam Katrin Brehmer
West Samoa Judith Geare



Language: German
Price: Free