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Pakistan Karachi

Celebrating 150 years of Thomas Mann Thomas Mann Revisited

Why is Thomas Mann still regarded today as one of the most important German storytellers of the 20th century? Why do his novels and novellas continue to be read, translated, adapted for the stage, reimagined in literature and brought to life in films? What makes them resonate in our contemporary world? Literary scholar and Thomas Mann expert Friedhelm Marx offers insights into the life and legacy of this iconic author.

Thomas Mann 1916, portrait at desk, coloured Photo (detail): © picture alliance / ullstein bild

An office © Unsplash © Unsplash

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German Courses © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan | Manisha Malhotra

The Goethe-Institut opens a window on the German Language to the world. We offer German language courses and exams in over 90 countries.

  • Highly qualified German teachers and first-class learning materials
  • German courses for all levels
  • Internationally recognised language certificates

Culture & Magazine

“Lot's of Love” — Our free streaming offer

Whether in the form of friendship, duty or loyalty, love is much more than just a romantic feeling. Over the course of twelve months, we present twelve films, which will paint a multifaceted picture of people who find and stand by each other.

Goethe on Demand: Filmseries “Lots of Love” (Key Visual) – The graphic contains four film stills: 1. Three people hugging; 2. A man and a woman kissing; 3. A boy sitting alone on an overturned sofa; 4. A man and a woman sitting next to each other, she wearing a white veil. © Salzgeber / Sehr Gute Filme / SiMa Film / DEFA-Stiftung, Herbert Kroiss, Manfred Damm

A cinematic manifest of queer existence

One of Berlinale’s most exciting events, the Teddy Awards, in their thirty-ninth edition this year, have celebrated queer cinema for half of the Berlinale’s lifespan. The Award has championed queer cinematic talent, providing it with a global platform, its iconic bear statue is internationally recognised as the Oscars of international queer filmmaking. Have a look at this year's celebrated films.

A film still from the movie "Ata Noturno" © Directors: Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher; Production: Vulcana Cinema, Avante Filmes


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Teacher service

On “Our commitment to German”, students and teachers alike find resources to learn and teach, as well as our latest initiatives for those interested in the German language.

A teacher sitting in front of a blackboard, working on a PC © Pexels

Deutsch für dich

Learning is better together: In our online community, you will find more than 260 German exercises for all levels, free of charge – as well as other people to practise with. Meet new people, compare notes and improve your language skills together.

Vor einem blauen Hintergrund schauen 4 junge Menschen gemeinsam auf ihre Handys und Tablets © Foto: Shutterstock.com, Rawpixel.com

The Digital Children's Uni

The German Children’s Online University (Kinderuni) is a free educational platform of the Goethe-Institut for children aged 8 to 12. It helps children to find answers to questions about the phenomena of the world, and enables children to learn and play in the German language.

Deutsche digitale Kinderuni - Für Kinder von 8 bis 12 Jahren © Goethe-Institut / Kids Interactive


Our library is a place for everyone who wants to read and work, be inspired and meet like-minded people.

Opening Hours

Mo-Fr: 9.30 am - 6.00 pm
Sa: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm

A man in a library © Unsplash

Visit Us Goethe-Institut Pakistan


Kehkashan, Plot/St 1
near Teen Talwar, Block 8 Clifton






Opening Hours

Mo-Fr: 9:30 am - 5.30 pm
Mo-Fr: 9:30 am - 5.30 pm
Mo-Fr: 8:30 am - 5.30 pm
Sa: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm
Alliance Francaise Karachi © Alliance Francaise Karachi

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We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation.

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